Project information

  • Category: Cross-Platform App Development
  • Purpose: Help people who struggle with memory retention, especially Alzheimers and Dementia patients, perform daily tasks and perform memory exercises
  • Project date: February 2020
  • Demo Video: Memo-ry
  • Business Proposal: Presentation

Our App

I developed this app along with 3 other people as part of a 12 hour Women in Computer Science Hackathon. The app is developed on React-Native, and going into the hackathon, all of us had little to if any experience with app development. The app was developed in response to the community and Disabilities prompt. We saw a problem with how common symptoms of Alzheimers and Dementia is, and the degenerating loss of memory that comes with it. Although doctors and clinics work on ways to help patients remember some parts of their life prior to the diaognisis, the patients have little autonomy to practice on their own. Thus comes Memo-ry, an app developed to help patients have their own autonomy in practicing to remember things like activities, places, loved ones, and memorable events.

The user-interface is easy to use and simple to understand. All a user has to do is open the app and be redirected to the homepage. The page depicts 3 simple buttons labeled "To-Do list", "Memories", and "Emergency Call". The To-Do list displays daily activities in which a patient can be reminded what it is they need to do for the day. Clicking the Memories button allows a user to navigate to another page and select if they would like to remember a place, a person, or an event. Each of these respectively have an alert notification higlighting details of the event. The emergency call function was not implemented, but the idea was to allow a user to call a family member or guardian, in the case they forgot how to call or who their loved one was.

The app was primarily a front-end app and we developed it on React-Native. The next steps for this app include developing the entire back-end, polishing the UI, and enhancing the features of the app.